Reece Ingram

Software Engineer


I typically enjoy programming for its own sake and particularly enjoy the flow state that comes with it. 


I enjoy video games, they’re basically the best parts of books, films, and board games. 
Ever heard of a series called Myst?


Noun. A person who supports the theory that all knowledge is based on experience derived from the senses.

About Me

Shorah! I’m Reece, AKA Raingram. I’m a Computer Scientist by degree and Software Developer by trade, but my special interest is Software Engineering. That means not only do I enjoy writing software, but also understanding it; how code works, how code breaks, and everything in between!

Latest Posts

From the mind of me. I can’t guarentee that they’re any good, or all that helpful, but all feedback is welcome (as long as it’s constructive).


Black vs. All Lives Matter

I saw a post on FB that was very much in the “All Lives Matter” camp, and I think a lot of people on both sides have the same feelings. Hopefully this bridges the gap somewhat.

Tolerance or Acceptance?

With Brexit looming over the horizon, I’ve been thinking a lot about what lead us[…]


How I Solved OneDrive Forever “Processing Changes”

Whoever thought that a persistently crashing video game could actually be helpful?! One of the[…]

Contact Me

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