
Black vs. All Lives Matter

I saw a post on FB that was very much in the “All Lives Matter” camp, and I think a lot of people on both sides have the same feelings. Hopefully this bridges the gap somewhat.

Tolerance or Acceptance?

With Brexit looming over the horizon, I’ve been thinking a lot about what lead us to this. And I think maybe Wales has the answer to the questions that raises. Brexit was a movement of feeling. Not fact. That’s just how things are in politics. I don’t think this is a new thing, but it’s …

How I Solved OneDrive Forever “Processing Changes”

Whoever thought that a persistently crashing video game could actually be helpful?! One of the features of Microsoft’s OneDrive app in Windows 10 is that it can backup your Documents folder. It does this, not by, as you’d’ve thought, backing up the C:\Users\<Username>\Documents folder to a part of OneDrive, but by changing all the links …

I have Dysgraphia and here are my experiences with it

No, I didn’t say Dyslexia, I said Dysgraphia… I have Dysgraphia (I have more specific name for it, but I ain’t tellin’ some randomer on the internet, you’ll just have to ask me yourself!). This manifests mostly itself (physically? Is pain physical?) in the form of pain while handwriting, but the research on any mental …


You’ve probably heard of eras like “The Enlightnment” or “The Renaissance”, but what would we call the era we live in today? I discovered the idea of Meta-modernism in a YouTube video about the “Zeitgeist of Rick & Morty” of all things, and I feel like it perfectly describes not only what we as a …

Google Song Maker

With the help of Google Melody Maker I made my first “song” with Google Song Maker.  I know, the thing’s probably made specifically so you can’t fail to make a decent sounding song, I just found it fun OK! If the embed doesn’t work click here.

Office 365: How to create a SharePoint site if your new Office 365 Group doesn't have one.

When creating a new Office 365 Group from the Exchange Admin Centre, its associated Sharepoint site wasn’t created.  This prevented me from sharing a OneDrive with a customer as the Office 365 Group OneDrives are actually based on sharepoint. To trigger the creation of a OneDrive/Sharepoint for an Office 365 Group, you must first go …

Bash: Dynamically named variables

Sometimes you want to run a series of commands that are slightly different, but for each command the arguments must also be slightly different. Say, for example, you have a script that runs multiple other commands and you want to give each one a temporary file to put its results in, then combine these at …

Linux Terminal: Removing/Changing newlines without using a text editor

In the interests of automation, I wanted to be able to convert the output of a command (In this case “ls”) into a format that can be read by another program. To do this I had to replace the newline characters in the command’s output with the pipe character (“|”). Now, I could do this with …